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> fever.AA0_dd8e099=={^xel.)

      	the dreamer renders itself coming to consciousness,
      enveloped in a cocoon of membrane. the pulse of a surrounding
      circulatory system whirs through the womb, passing through an
      unfamiliar flesh in deep hums. tines of cartilage pierce through
      the membrane from octagonal, equal trajectory, binding the
      dreamer to a physical stasis within the organ. the dreamer will
      likely panic in brevity, commonly triggering a hyperventilative
      response in the dreamer's corporeal, sleeping body. the dreamer
      whom experiences claustrophobic anxiety may awaken at this point.
      	following, the dreamer may begin to observe beyond the
      membrane. the womb breaches a surface of a vast, organic curvature
      of viscera - irregular in distance, and organized in a
      visibly arbitrary array. overtly scattered in the midst of the
      plane are tall monoliths of dark steel, welded by hooks of both 
      organic and inorganic material to the biological megastructure
      beneath each unit. backlit lcd displays line each unit in rows,
      segmenting the tower in a vertical cascade to a sharp point
      several meters above the plane. each display hosts a rapid scroll
      of text - its syntax made illegible by the rate of the display.
      	the dreamer may now experience an external voice, routed
      in digital processing through its internal auditory perception
      to its best subjective limit per the dreamer. subsequent to this
      experience is, by extention of the available cognitive functions
      of the dreamer, a more personal confrontation of the subconscious
      and its interfacing of the psychosphere and cyberspace conjunctively.
      	in several accounts, the individual that continues to
      experience REM beyond any benevolent encounter may perceive an
      abstraction of pure heat -- an infernal array of stimuli in 
      a pervasive, multisensory barrage through a piercing distortion of 
      the internal visual and auditory cognition of the dreamer. in
      clarity, one will always assume a state of blinding dysphoria.
      {^xel.} 01062024